Stuffed Paw-Paw, Norfolk Island style

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Stuffed Paw-Paw, Norfolk Island style

Norfolk Island, just a 90 minute flight north west of Auckland, isn't a place you go for fine dining. Or so I was told.

But if you are there Dino's and Garrison on the main street are excellent, the famous Barney Duffy's Charcoal Grill does terrific steaks, and restaurants in hotels are perfectly fine.

You should definitely do lunch at Branka, a fascinating historic home, also.

Whether you want to accept an invitation to dinner in someone's home is another matter if this recipe is anything to go by. This was published in the weekly paper, the Norfolk Window.

I haven't tried it (I have embellished the seasoning however just for added interest), but it sounds very simple.

Thanks -- I think? -- to the Norfolk Island Sunshine Club for this one!

By the way: Norfolk Island is much more interesting and enjoyable than you might have been lead to believe. I'd go back tomorrow. True.


one large firm green paw-paw


one kg minced beef

pepper, garlic and salt


Brown the minced beef in a pan with a little oil, stirring through one teaspoon crushed garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Remove from the heat, take out the mince and place in a bowl, leaving as much oil in the pan as you can.

Slice the paw-paw in half, scoop out the seeds and fill the hollow with the seasoned mince. Bake in a medium heat oven for about an hour, basting with the oil from the pan from time to time.

Serve with a gravy of your choosing. And, I guess, a salad or mashed potato?

Frankly, you're on your own with this one!

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