Graham Reid | | 1 min read
Pacific Curls: Whakamahana (from the album Pacifi Celta, 2009)
This is Angela's recipe under the very enticing (and somewhat healthy) title, and one which she says is a New Zealand adaption -- or is that "adaptation"? I've got into this discussion before! -- of a UK/US hybrid because it is based on a Delia Smith recipe for carrot cake. (Which is something I never got frankly. "Carrot" and "cake"? Hmmm.)
Anyway, this makes whole lot more sense than most food involving carrots -- and it comes with her book club's approval. And we can have no higher recommendation than that.
One for the winter months. And Angela advises, "It tastes a great deal better if cooked 24 hours in advance of eating". Listen to your inner chef, folks.
6 oz [175 g] dk brown soft sugar , sifted – why I don’t know.
2 lg eggs, room temp.
4 fl oz [120 ml] sunflower oil
7 oz [200g] wholemeal, self raising flour [equally fine with white flour]
1 ½ tsp bicarb soda
3 rounded tsp mixed spice
grated zest 1 orange
7 oz [200g] grated carrot or chopped feijoa
6 oz [175 g] or thereabouts sultanas
For the topping if you feel you must:
9 oz [250g] Quark [skimmed milk soft cheese] probably one of the Canaan soft cheeses would work well.
¾ oz [20 g] caster sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 rounded tsp cinnamon plus a little extra for dusting [this is the only bit I used]
For the syrup glaze:
Juice ½ small orange or equivalent bottled/carton
1 dessertspn lemon juice
1 ½ oz [40g] dark brown soft sugar
You will need:
Non-stick baking tin measuring 10 x 6 inches [25.5 x 15 cm] and 1 inch[2.5 cm ] deep, lined with silicone/parchment/baking paper.
Preheat oven to 325 deg F, 170 deg C, gas mark 3.
Whisk sugar, eggs and oil together – electric or hand, 2-3 minutes. Sift flour, bicarb soda , mixed spice into bowl tipping in all the bits of bran left in the sieve. Stir it all together, fold in orange zest, fruit/carrots and sultanas.
Pour into tin, bake on centre shelf for 35-40 mins. Should feel firm and springy to touch when done as well as skewer test – comes out clean.
If making topping make it by mixing all ingredients in a bowl till light and fluffy, then cover with cling film and chill for 1-2 hours.
Syrup glaze – whisk together the fruit juices and sugar in bowl – could heat a little to aid melting. When cake comes out of oven stab it all over with skewer and quickly spoon the mixture over as evenly as possible. Leave it to cool in tin.
Dust with cinnamon when cold – iced or un-iced.
Enjoy . . . and maybe with an interesting book, given Angela's book people recommend this? (Actually Angela says eating cake and a good book do not go together, one can't appreciate either if indulging properly. Fair point.)
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