Greg's wife's Kotosoupa Avgolemono (chicken soup with egg and lemon sauce)

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Greg's wife's Kotosoupa Avgolemono (chicken soup with egg and lemon sauce)

Given the climate in New Zealand right now this is the recipe we have been awaiting for. This is courtesy of Greg's Greek/Cypriot wife and we are assured is renown as a cure for colds. Even if it isn't, it is a winner. 



1 chicken weighing around 1 kilo. Oven ready. 

1 onion peeled and halved 

1 carrot peeled and halved 

1 stick celery halved 

1 bay leaf 

250gms rice 

2 eggs 

juice of 1 lemon 

finely chopped flat leaf parsley to taste 


freshly ground black pepper


In a pan, cover the chicken with water and bring to the boil. Add the onion, carrot, celery, and bay leaf, and season with salt and pepper. Skim off the scum that forms on the surface. Reduce the temperature, and simmer the chicken for about 1 hour, until the flesh falls away from the bones.

Drain the chicken, save the stock, and set aside.

Cut the chicken meat in pieces, and add it to the stock, together with the rice, and simmer the soup over a medium heat for about 20 minutes, until the rice is tender. (You may add more boiling water if necessary.)

Remove the soup from the heat and add salt and pepper to taste. Beat the eggs, and add the lemon juice, and a little stock, stirring continuously. Allow the chicken soup to cool slightly, and stir in the lemon sauce. 

Ladle the soup into deep plates, sprinkle with parsley, and serve with bread. 

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