Sue's homemade limoncello

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Sue's homemade limoncello

Few homemade liqueurs are the equal of a good limoncello, and this speciality of central Italy can be very easy to make. The secret we tell you immediately is to invest in a decent vodka. I've tried it with cheap ones -- I was just being cheap -- and the results were dire.

But this sure-fire recipe which Sue passes on I have made, and used a decent vodka. The results were excellent


five lemons

two tablespoons of caster sugar

350m of good vodka



zest one of the lemons, chop the others into halves or thirds depending on their size.

Place the lemon pieces in a large stainless steel, glass or crockery bowl with the sugar and bruise them. Add the caster sugar, one and a half cups of water and vodka and stir untl the sugar has dissolved. Add the zest and the remaining lemon.

Cover and leave in a cool place for at least 48 hours.

Then strain and pour into clean bottles and seal them.

For best results refrigerate.

And that's it! 

Serve sparingly in small glasses, or add soda and a sprig of mint for a taste of summer at any time of year. 

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