dave lisik - Search Results
24 Search results for dave lisik.
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Dave Lisik and Richard Nunns: Ancient Astronaut Theory (Rattle)
...boundaries. They want music like that of Dave Lisik and Richard Nunns which reaches across... ...But, in its unique way, pre-so much more . . . Dave Lisik is interviewed at Elsewhere here. . These...
Tagged with: cultural elsewhere | dave lisik | ecm records | from scratch | gamelan | jack body | john psathas | john tavener | nigel gavin | rattle | rattle jazz | richard nunns |
Further Outwhere: further/4469/dave-lisik-and-richard-nunns-ancient-astronaut-theory-rattle/

DAVE LISIK INTERVIEWED (2011): Ancient, contemporary and to the future
...and Wellington-resident composer/musician Dave Lisik is impressive for his work ethic. Aside from...
Tagged with: cultural elsewhere | dave lisik | ecm records | from scratch | gamelan | jack body | jan garbarek | john psathas | john tavener | kronos quartet | minimalism | nigel gavin | rattle | rattle jazz | richard nunns |
Absolute Elsewhere: absoluteelsewhere/4475/dave-lisik-interviewed-2011-ancient-contemporary-and-to-the-future/

Various Artists: Machaut Man and a Superman Hat; The Music of Dave Lisik (Rattle Jazz)
...composer/producer/arranger/etc Dave Lisik has appeared at Elsewhere a number of times...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/6733/various-artists-machaut-man-and-a-superman-hat-the-music-of-dave-lisik-rattle-jazz/

Dave Lisik: Donated by Cantor Fitzgerald; A Threnody (Rattle)
...-- Canadian-born, Wellington-based composer Dave Lisik will have performed this evocative, hour-long...
Tagged with: ecm records | jack body | john psathas | kronos quartet | rattle | rattle jazz | richard nunns | world music in elsewhere |
Music at Elsewhere: music/4430/dave-lisik-donated-by-cantor-fitzgerald-a-threnody-rattle/

DAVE LISIK INTERVIEWED (2012): The mothership takes flight
...and US-educated Dave Lisik is one of the more innovative composers at...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/5410/dave-lisik-interviewed-2012-the-mothership-takes-flight/

Dave Lisik: Rail 16 (Rattle)
The prolific Lisik (see here) offers this new and complex single suite which exists somewhere between improvised music, art music and a long tone poem (more like a tone short story) which has an over-
Music at Elsewhere: music/4971/dave-lisik-rail-16-rattle/

Dave Lisik: The Curse of the Queen's Diamond (Rattle Jazz)
Yet another fine addition to the Rattle Jazz imprint, this beautifully packaged album by Canadian-born, New Zealand-based trumpeter Lisik (and others) explores that profitable margin between chamber j
Tagged with: cultural elsewhere | ecm records | jack body | john psathas | john tavener | minimalism | new zealand jazz | new zealand music | rattle | rattle jazz | world music in elsewhere |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/4129/dave-lisik-the-curse-of-the-queens-diamond-rattle-jazz/

Michael Houstoun/The Rodger Fox Big Band: Concerti (Rattle Jazz)
...stupidly/cutely named Raff Riff (arranged by Dave Lisik) which comes off as mostly bluff and bluster...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/7102/michael-houstoun-the-rodger-fox-big-band-concerti-rattle-jazz/

RATTLE RECORDS AT 20: Decades of delivering
...Ancient Astronaut Theory by Canadian composer Dave Lisik and Richard Nunns. Another boundary ignored...
Tagged with: ecm records | from scratch | gamelan | jack body | john psathas | kronos quartet | new zealand music | nigel gavin | rattle | rattle jazz | richard nunns |
Absolute Elsewhere: absoluteelsewhere/4402/rattle-records-at-20-decades-of-delivering/

Various Artists: Born into This; The Music of Rattle (Rattle)
...you could not say the same for the albums by Dave Lisik, some of the avant-classical releases or those...
Music at Elsewhere: music/5017/various-artists-born-into-this-the-music-of-rattle-rattle/

RICHARD NUNNS AND TAONGA PUORO (2019): Sounds from darkness into the light
...Whitehead, John Psathas, Marilyn Crispell, Dave Lisik, Pitch Black and of course the late Hirini...
Cultural Elsewhere: culturalelsewhere/9091/richard-nunns-and-taonga-puoro-2019-sounds-from-darkness-into-the-light/

...that mix we might also throw John Psathis, Dave Lisik and others out of Wellington's Victoria...
Tagged with: new zealand music |
Writing at Elsewhere: writingelsewhere/5204/erewhon-calling-experimental-sound-in-new-zealand-edited-by-bruce-russell-audio-foundation-cmr/

A PROVOCATION OF RATTLES (2018): Digressions, sojourns, shadows and sonorous sounds
...and instrumental were recently recorded by Dave Lisik. There are wonderful and familiar performers...
Cultural Elsewhere: culturalelsewhere/8374/a-provocation-of-rattles-2018-digressions-sojourns-shadows-and-sonorous-sounds/

ONE WE MISSED: Umar Zakaria: Fearless Music (usual digital platforms)
...Composition Senior Lecturer in Wellington, Dave Lisik, and mastered by Thomas Voyce, a NZSM teaching...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/8462/one-we-missed-umar-zakaria-fearless-music-usual-digital-platforms/

Richard Nunns: Mahi (Rattle/digital outlets)
...and Samonella Dub, studio experimentalist Dave Lisik (two tracks here) and many others. He...
Cultural Elsewhere: culturalelsewhere/9686/richard-nunns-mahi-rattle-digital-outlets/

Tim Hopkins: Seven (Rattle Jazz)
...the Rattle album Ancient Astronaut Theory by Dave Lisik (interviewed here) and Richard Nunns, I was... ...Hopkins, recently heard on Rattle's release by Dave Lisik, Donated by Cantor Fitzgerald. The music here...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz | new zealand music |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/4586/tim-hopkins-seven-rattle-jazz/

Crayford, Sellers, Dyne: Our Own Sweet Way (ia/Rattle)
...in Wellington, produced by Dyne and mixed by Dave Lisik -- these standards (and almost standards such...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz | new zealand music |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/5478/crayford-sellers-dyne-our-own-sweet-way-ia-rattle/

Endeavour Jazz Orchestra New Zealand: Solipsis, The Music of Ryan Brake (bandcamp)
...digital releases however – recorded by Dave Lisik at the NZ School of Music at Victoria...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/10384/endeavour-jazz-orchestra-new-zealand-solipsis-the-music-of-ryan-brake-bandcamp/

COLIN HEMMINGSEN PROFILED (2012): With his heart in both camps
...where he met Canadian composer and trumpeter Dave Lisik (interviewed here) who teaches composition...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz | new zealand music |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/4699/colin-hemmingsen-profiled-2012-with-his-heart-in-both-camps/

...downloads include . . .) Album = Walkabout (Dave Lisik and the killing Aussie big band ‘The...
The Famous Elsewhere Questionnaire: thefamouselsewherequestionnaire/5727/the-famous-elsewhere-jazz-questionnaire-dixon-nacey/

...jazzers like Norman Meehan, Reuben Bradley and Dave Lisik. To celebrate the new partnership, members of... ...and band. Thursday 18 July, 12.15pm–1pm: Dave Lisik and band. Friday 19 July, 12.15pm–1pm:...
Tagged with: new zealand jazz | new zealand music |
The Famous Elsewhere Questionnaire: thefamouselsewherequestionnaire/5775/the-famous-elsewhere-jazz-questionnaire-fergus-barrowman/

Rob Thorne: Whaia te Maramatanga (Rattle)
...Ancient Astronaut Theory by Richard Nunns and Dave Lisik where taonga puoro (Nunns) and electronics...
Tagged with: new zealand music |
Music at Elsewhere: music/6158/rob-thorne-whaia-te-maramatanga-rattle/

The Harvest: Page/Brown/Psathas (Rattle Jazz)
...may have been influenced by the work of Dave Lisik and Colin Hemmingsen's recent Fate and the...
Tagged with: new zealand music |
Jazz at Elsewhere: jazz/5370/the-harvest-page-brown-psathas-rattle-jazz/

BEST OF ELSEWHERE 2011 Jonathan Besser: Campursari (Rattle)
Since coming to New Zealand more than 30 years ago, the pianist-composer Jonathan Besser has enjoyed a highly successful and diverse career, first with violinist Chris Prosser in the Besser and Prosse
Tagged with: best of elsewhere 2011 | cultural elsewhere | dave lisik | ecm records | gamelan | jack body | jan garbarek | john psathas | kronos quartet | minimalism | nigel gavin | rattle | rattle jazz | richard nunns |
Music at Elsewhere: music/4470/best-of-elsewhere-2011-jonathan-besser-campursari-rattle/