THE 2019 TARANAKI WOMAD TIMETABLE: The world in your backyard

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THE 2019 TARANAKI WOMAD TIMETABLE: The world in your backyard

As anyone who comes to this site knows, Elsewhere has had a many decades long engagement and interest in music from other parts of the planet beyond home, London, New York, LA and so on.

Right from the start when we launched we had the World Music in Elsewhere pages of reviews and interviews, and in more recent times announcements about the Woad in Taranaki as well as an overview after the event. You may see our earlier Womad coverage here . . . and in the following weeks we wil be reviewing more albums by artists on their way as well as posting interviews.

But now to help with your planning here we post the timetable for the festival. If you can't read this properly then you can go to the Womad site and download a pdf here.







WOMAD New Zealand 2019 will see the festival celebrate its 15th anniversary in the stunning 55-acre Brooklands Park and the TSB Bowl of Brooklands, New Plymouth, 15-17 March 2019.

For further information and ticketing see the official Womad site here.


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