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Al Galbraith: Day Night

The name Al Galbraith might not be familiar to many . . . unless you happen to be a New Zealand musician, have read anything of local music in the Sixties and Seventies, or been involved in soundtracks and advertising. Which, when you think about it, must surely mean Galbraith is pretty well known.

Galbraith was a hugely successful producer (Mark Wiliams, Craig Scott, Space Waltz, Annie Whittle, Highway, Dr Tree -- which effectively covers everything from mainstream pop through glam-rock, country, hard rock and fusion jazz) before working in film soundtracks (Sleeping Dogs), shifting to Australia and the UK, and then back to New Zealand to work in advertising and video production.

He may have quit music for a period until the late Nineties, but the man who was once the singer with Sounds Unlimited and The Real Thing (before a solo career) wasn't lost to it forever.

He now has his own studio and label (Roxon, nice when you think about it) and has finally released his debut album Silverfox. But he takes time out to answer the Famous Elsewhere Questionnaire

The first piece of music which really affected you was . . .

How is the Air Up There by the La De Das

Your first (possibly embarrassing) role models in music were . . .

Johnny Devlin, The Premiers, The Librettos, The Invaders

Lennon or Jagger, Ramones or Nirvana, Madonna or Gaga, Jacko or Jay-Z?

Lennon and Jagger

If music was denied you, your other career choice would be . . .

Poet and novelist or maybe a film director

The three songs (yours, or by others) you would love everyone to hear are . . .

Cos We’ve Ended As Lovers by Jeff Beck, Surf’s Up by The Beach Boys, Long Distance Love by Little Feat

Any interesting, valuable or just plain strange musical memorabilia at home?

The guitar I played in one of my first bands in Nelson, 1964. Gave it away in ‘66, found it in pieces in a freiends garage in 1997. Now fully restored. Also my 5-string banjo. Love it although it’s a bastard to play.

The best book on music or musicians you have read is . . .

The Guitar Handbook by Ralph Denyer

If you could get on stage with anyone it would be . . . (And you would play?)

Allison Krauss … and I would play whatever she told me to play.

Tgchi1956The three films you'd insist anybody watch because they might understand you better are . . .

The Girl Can’t Help It, Morgan - a Suitable Case For Treatment, Bladerunner

The last CD or vinyl album you bought was . . . (And your most recent downloads include . . .)

Last CD was Paul Simon’s So Beautiful or So What (haven’t heard it yet)

Last downloads: Majestic Silver Strings by Buddy Miller, Black Dub by Daniel Lanois, Call of the Bellbird by the Webb Brothers (I want to do a remake)

One song, royalties for life, never have to work again. The song by anyone, yourself included, which wouldn't embarrass you in that case would be . . .

God Only Knows by Brian Wilson

The poster, album cover or piece of art could you live with on your bedroom forever would be . . .


You are allowed just one tattoo, and it is of . . .

A Silverfox

David Bowie sang, “Five years, that's all we've got . . .” You would spend them where, doing . . .?

Exactly what I’m doing now, but somewhere warmer.

And finally, in the nature of press conferences in Japan, “Can you tell me please why this is your best album ever?”

Because it’s my first album.

You can find out more about Al Galbraith at his website here.

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