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Some people chose excellent names for themselves, as has this Wellington producer/DJ with Lord Echo . . . because he brings to world of Jamaican and African styles together in a techno/disco-soul mash-up.

And when we say he's “big in Japan” it isn't a bad joke. Check the clip for his 2015 tour there and get the groove-vibe.

He's got albums and disco singles out there (the up-coming album Harmonies features Mara TK of Electric Wire Hustle, Lisa Tomlins, and Toby Laing of Fat Freddy's among others)

Here's the Elsewhere pick: at the forthcoming Taranaki Womad Lord Echo's set is going to be the one for the good vibe.

Time for him to answer a Famous Elsewhere Questionnaire . . .

The first piece of music which really affected you was . . .

Joan Armatrading - the whole Show Some Emotion record. I still think she’s a great artist.

Your first (possibly embarrassing) role models in music were . . .

Freddie Mercury and Brian May from Queen. Still stand by those too.

Lennon or Jagger, Ramones or Nirvana, Madonna or Gaga, Jacko or Jay-Z?

Lennon, Nirvana, Madonna, early Jacko.

If music was denied you, your other career choice would be . . .

Charity based organisations, just something that directly helps other people.

The three songs (yours, or by others) you would love everyone to hear are . . .

Right now . . .

There's Never Been (No One Like You) - Kenix feat. Bobby Youngblood

Sleeping Beauty - Sun Ra

Whispering Tenderness - Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids

Any interesting, valuable or just plain strange musical memorabilia at home...

Burglars and bad guys will find nothing of value in my entire house, no.

The best book on music or musicians you have read is . . .

The Rest Is Noise : Listening to the 20th Century by Alex Ross. A compelling mix of characters and history detailing the radical shift in ideas about art and music during the 20th century, a great read.

If you could get on stage with anyone it would be?

The Dalai Lama.

The three films you'd insist anybody watch because they might understand you better are . . .

I wouldn’t insist, but…

Embrace Of The Serpent - Ciro Guerra

Leviathan - Andrey Zvyagintsev

Ponyo - Hayao Miyazak

The last CD or vinyl album you bought was . . . (And your most recent downloads include...)

Record -

Brenda Ray ‎– D'Ya Hear Me! : Naffi Years, 1979-83 brilliant lo fi noise pop brimming with life from the UK, on ever released on cassette and compiled here by a great Japanese label EM records

One song, royalties for life, never have to work again. The song by anyone, yourself included, which wouldn't embarrass you in that case would be . . .

Forthcoming single from me - The Sweetest Meditation ft Mara TK, I could live with that easily.

The poster, album cover or piece of art could you live with on your bedroom forever would be . . .


You are allowed just one tattoo, and it is of . . .

+ / -

a3112088142_16David Bowie sang, “Five years, that's all we've got . . .” You would spend them where and doing what?

In a hut in the bush, in which other people that I loved also lived but in other huts reasonably far away from me but still within walking distance, lol.

And finally, in the nature of press conferences in Japan, “Can you tell me please why this is your best album ever?”

My forthcoming record Harmonies is the best album ever because it contains the greatest songs by the greatest songwriters performed by the greatest artists recorded and mixed by the greatest engineers and produced by the greatest producers.

The pinnacle of human endeavor, conveniently available to own in your own personal home in a format of your choosing.

For details on Womad artists and booking information go here


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