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We Will Ride fast out of Tauranga (Kyle Sattler as the one-man noise machine) obviously don't much help in sourcing review quotes.

Sattler writes some impressive descriptions of his music anyway: “Driven bass Alt Pop with Vocals that howl red fumes somewhere on a reservoir of gnarled and desperate snakes,” reads pretty well.

And the new WWRF album Emotional Molecules is written up as this on the bandcamp page: “A blend of eclectic art-rock sensibilities and a critically aware rebuttal of our postmodern humanist foreboding somehow lost amongst the ancient symbolism of the serpent and the teachings of the medicine man.”

But Elsewhere also had its say about the album: “With swathes of sometimes disconcerting electronics alongside Sattler's stentorian vocals declaiming the angst of the 21stcentury where many are cut adrift from the certainties and symbols of yesteryear (More Dead Than Alive), this creates an immediate impression.”

So yes, there is certainly something going on with this third album by WWRF/Sattler.

Time for him to answer some rather different questions then?


The first piece of music which really affected you was . . .

When I was 14 I happened upon Suicidal Tendencies ‘How will I laugh tomorrow when I cant even smile today’. Any prior relationship with popular mainstream music ended that day

Your first role models in experimental music were . . .

Early Sonic Youth, more recently Christian Marclay. I think I can just admit to being a big Mogwai fan.

Did you grow up listening to rock music, and if so who or what bands when you were 14?

My parents always had a record player so yes, things like The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac and Meatloaf. Actually my first ever purchase was Eurythmics' Revenge. See above for ground zero on my 14 year music taste

If music was denied you, your other career choice would be . . .

Front_version_AI actually have a masters degree in visual art so, there’s always that. Fun fact #1, I have an exhibition titled Painting By Natural Selection opening in the Tauranga Art Gallery from the 15th Feb.

The show features 4 animated paintings and one 3 monitor video and sound work.

The sound work is titled Accidental Opus and was a finalist and recipient of peoples choice award in the National Contemporary Art Award 2018

The three pieces of innovative music from any period (yours, or by others) you would love everyone to hear are . . .

This is an interesting question especially in the context of the prior one. Perhaps a place to start is John Cage’s use of I-Ching to create compositions using chance of which Music Of Changes is great and unsettling arrangement. It’s the kind of thing that most people reject within seconds.

Not exactly music more conceptual sound art but, Susan Philipsz’s work The Distant Sound is a particular favourite. Ideas of what sound is and how it moves or travels are so important in The Distant Sound. Every year I always force my students to watch Martin Creed's What the fuck am I doing, especially the procrastinators.

Any interesting, valuable or just plain strange musical memorabilia or instruments at home …

I am the lucky owner of an all original (circa 77/78) musicman sabre one in excellent condition and no it is not for sale.

The best book on music or musicians you have read is . . .

Jimmy Page, Light and Shade

If you could get on stage with anyone it would be?

PJ Harvey or Marc Linkous (maybe Linkous because it isn’t possible anymore)

The three films you'd insist anybody watch because they might understand you better are . . .

arrrrr, I know, Pixels, but only the bits with Peter Dinklage, so good. Aliens, non-stop action, Bill Paxton is so dry it’s good (were all gonna fucken die man…), but seriously I love Million Dollar Baby. I think Eastwood is such a good director.

The last CD or vinyl album you bought was . . . (And your most recent downloads include…).

I can't remember which I last purchased, either Brian Jonestown Massacre (ST) or This Will Destroy You (ST) Both vinyl.

One piece of mainstream pop music, royalties for life, never have to work again. The song by anyone, yourself included, which wouldn't embarrass you in that case would be . .

Are you kidding? With house prices the way they are none would embarrass. Maybe a Spice Girls' hit, If Ya Wanna Be My Lover or whatever it’s called.

The poster, album cover or piece of art could you live with on your bedroom forever would be . . .

Botticelli’s Primavera. Have you seen it in the flesh, the detail OMG, that and/or Klimt’s Death and Life

You are allowed just two albums of any genre to take on a month-long retreat, they are . . .

Eno Music for Airports and Lee Perry The Ultimate Upsetter double album

David Bowie sang, “Five years, that's all we've got . . .” You would spend them where and doing what?

Well that’s tough. With my family for sure, probably at some uncrowded point break with a local ale house that serves the best bistro food and has an endless stream of obscure original bands playing on Friday and Saturday nights

People often speak of certain instrumental pieces as “music for imaginary films”. Is there a piece of your music you could say would fit perfectly in THAT film?

Fun fact #2 I do make quite a lot of ambient music and sound art, particularly in an installation art context. If you have a minute here is a link to one titled Cacophonic Opus Of The Flooded Whirlpool.



We Will Ride Fast launch this album in Auckland on Saturday 20th Feb at Cupid Bar, with Swallow The Rat




You can hear and buy this album (also available on limited edition blue vinyl in a screen-printed cover) at bandcamp here

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