Tcheka: Nu Monda (Harmonia)

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Tcheka: Djan Kre Bejabu
Tcheka: Nu Monda (Harmonia)

One of the chief delights of being in Elsewhere is that music usually comes with no promotional blasts or advance reviews, so you make the discovery for yourself.

It often comes from people you've never heard of before either.

Like this guy from Cape Verde Island who plays driving and melodic acoustic guitar, and possesses a voice which can be feather-light or nail a note in from a great height.

In some places he calls on a supportive band, and the album comes with a DVD which captures his special magic at a concert in Lisbon, and offers an interesting portrait of the artist in his photogenic hometown.

But really, I can't tell you anything about him that you won't hear in his music.

Take him as he comes and you might find yourself like me: his album hangs around the stereo every time the sun comes out and you can enjoy the garden.

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